
This is where I put all my creative-but-anonymous writing. I like comments, so if you have any (constructive) ones, drop me a line.

[The Workout][States]


[Boy Met Girl][The New Year][Wordsworthless]



Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A question that has been plaguing me all day:
Do I ooze with responsibility? Is that why people find it in them to saddle me with these new position? Or is it that I'm so-called rich-girl? Or, by some chance, they've discovered my neurotic compulsion to do everything when I'm assigned a task, despite my inherent laziness?
Cue not-quite-verbose gargling.

Here's another thought. Romance novels are, as we know, formulaic to the point that you can predict the ending just from the back cover (unless, of course, the back cover features the glammed-up authoress with too-bright smiles and big hair). The time-travel ones are rather typical as well; modern century you-go-girl woman gets deposited into the hands of a Fabio-esque laird or English lord. Stuff happens. Smutty stuff happens. And then, invariably, either she tearfully bids her lover goodbye (but meets the reincarnation/descendant in the future), or somehow manages to stay in the past.
But, dude. They're all white.
I'm not saying this to be racist, mind you. However, what IF the 21st century gal was Black, or Chinese, or (heaven forbid) Filipino? Interesting, then, where she'd might end up.
Personally, if it was me I'd look for Illustrados in an instant.


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Yay for pretentiously scintillating wit.