
This is where I put all my creative-but-anonymous writing. I like comments, so if you have any (constructive) ones, drop me a line.

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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Writing Recuperations

I was out on a week, exploring some pretty exotic sights. Lots of inspiration came, however the fruits of my sojourn are thoughts that no virginal semi-convent-raised 19-year-old girl of supposed moral fiber should have. Not to mention that manifesting such thoughts into stories really won't fit into the mood of ths blog.
    How can one right erotica, after all, when one hasn't experienced the mechanics involved herself? No matter how many Regency trash and other fiction of questionable literary value I devour, I'm pretty certain I'm going to freeze up in my first real date.
    And there you have it. I confess, I'm nearly two decades old and never dated, never had a proper kiss. And I'm really not torn up about it. I don't like it that many of my peers get boyfriends just for the sake of saying they have such, even if the boys are really disgusting and have the brain cells of a sex-crazed lemur. What will happen will happen, and despite all pragmatism I do believe I will end up with my equal, someday.
    I'm fully aware the picture-perfect images of romance and love are just that, far from reality, and it's highly foolish of me to persist with my idea of chivalry and true love. At heart however I'm still that little girl who grew up wanting to be a Disney princess.
    A quandary, then, only resolved by dreams and writing. For the past five years, however, those dreams grew steadily more sensual, and in my stories I've tried to portray the world in vivid colors both passionate and full of wonder.
    I've written two pieces with two mature scenes, and I'm wondering now if I should post it. As a writer, I should, if I follow through with what I've been threatening to do and become the first ever virgin romance novelist. Criticism is a must. On the other hand, here the paradox reasserts itself, and I shy away from revealing my hidden desires, the depths of my dreams and escapism.

Any ideas?


Will said...

Reveal away.

You know... I didn't receive my first kiss until after I turned 20. Trust me... your imagination will more than suffice to justify your writing. Whatever you think it is that you don't know... well, you already know.

If you don't want to share it here, then e-mail me (if you're comfortable with that). Those are my suggestions. I hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my website earlier! Glad you liked some of my work.

I agree with Will. You already know what you think you don't. Instinct works in our favor. And, quite arguably, what makes sex any more foreign of a thing to describe when you haven't experienced it than a shooting or a shipwreck or any other fictional situation? It all just comes down to mechanics and attempted realism.

All that said, though, I would only incorporate those sorts of scenes in bigger works or works where there is certain meaning around them. Why? Not because I think there's anything wrong with erotic writing, but I think it's a tad predictable. (There are only so many ways to kiss, caress and, well, blatantly screw.) People struggle with reinventing the wheel, and it shows.

So I guess the thing with erotic writing is to be aware that you don't want to be cliche, and yet to also be aware that, well, you can't be anything but cliche, because romance is romance and sex is sex. Just my opinion, of course.